When looking for work, which is important degree or experience?
I think if you are Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer or Teacher you need a degree to get a job and work. And also you need a degree if you do not have work experience. The degree helps but employer is looking for working experience, even you have a degree or once you have 3 or more working experience. I think another thing is a you need a skill to gain experience or to be successful in life, there are some of the successful weatlhy people does not have a degree, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
Do you need a degree to get a job and had a number of years of experience?
Do you know that you can get a legal degree by having a number of experience, all you need is evidence and documentations of your experience and it is a law in France, that you can be awarded a degree based on number of years experience. France is a member of Lisbon Treaty a treaty that between nation that a education degree is accepted in each member countries that ratified this treaty.
The law in France is called VAE or Validation des Acquis de l’ExpĂ©rience is a procedure that allows any French educational institution to grant degrees partly or completely based on work experience. A portfolio of the applicant’s achievements and work experience is presented to a committee at the educational institution. The committee will then decide if the documents presented in the portfolio show work that merits partial credit towards a particular degree. This French law of August 23, 1985 authorized people with work experience to ask for Diploma equivalence.
The educational institution who is pioneer in applying this VAE procedure is Ecole Superiuere Robert de Sorbon. www.sorbon.fr, this higher learning institution provide diploma equivalence for work experiential evidence.
Now ,if you already and have a degree and a number of experience and still cannot find employment, then, employ yourself and be an enterpreneur or have a business of your own, this is a better than being employed, with a business you can have unlimited an income, of course, it need a hard work during start-up.
Ben Pamatmat
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